Let your steps guide you. It is the slogan created for the campaign of Valverde del Camino, and in which we have collaborated with the products we manufacture in 5V Valverde®?We are very proud to have been chosen as representatives of the Valverde del Camino brand and thus bring the products we offer to our surroundings.
For 6 months, a Ladies' bus on the Ayamonte-Seville line with a stop in Huelva will carry the images and the representative logo of Valverde del Camino and will invite people to discover Valverde's products, both footwear and furniture, very important sectors in the town's industry.
With our brand Equitación Valverde 5V we give priority to design combined with tradition and know-how. For this campaign we have chosen two models of articles, one for women and one for men, and you can find them on our websites. www.5vvalverde.com and www.josedemora.com
The selected designs are products with more urban characteristics to show that Valverde's products are not only country boots and rocieros, a tradition and specialty of the town, but we also offer all kinds of footwear with one of the highest quality on the market, both in terms of raw materials and production processes.
We have made this collaboration with great affection, and it has been an honour for us to represent the products of our town.
From the entire 5V team, we would like to congratulate the City Council for carrying out these promotional actions, as they always bear fruit, and thank Julia Arroyo, photographer of this campaign, for her professionalism and excellent work, for her ideas and for her initiative.
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